May Day
For the May Day holidays (one week in China), Gina's little sister ("Meimei") is in town. Today I took her to Jinmao tower:

Here's also a view of her looking towards the Oriental Pearl (that horrendously ugly structure with the two red globes):

After walking over to the Intercontinental Hotel, where Gina was minding the hotel wine shop (hoping to sell that 1929 Bordeau which would get her a nice commission), we took the subway to see two of Shanghai's universities: Huadong Normal (not worth setting foot in) and Jiaotong University (ok if you're in the neighborhood). Here's a picture of Meimei at Jiaotong University:

Finally, we walked over to Xujiahui and stopped at Ganghui Plaza. I love the floating red globes (I think we've got a theme going here):

In the evening, we walked over to Wujiang Road (street with lots of small restaurants and snacks, including fried buns), passing across a large overpass:

Here is what Wujiang Road looks like at night:

After the fried buns, we had Chongqing-style chicken hotpot:

Notice how happy Meimei looks with all that spicy food!
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