Cleaning the street
Today, we decided to do a walking tour of the wats in the old town of Chiang Mai. We essentially followed one of the main east-west axes (Thanon Ratchadamnoen). The wats speak for themselves (see my flickr page). What requires further note is the huge mob of children dressed in red shirts ("Montport 72nd anniversary"), armed with brooms, sweeping the streets (most seemed not to be working all that hard though). Two fire engines were in the midst spraying water out onto the street. Some giggling boys neglected their duties to play with the spraying water. Here are some photos:

Oooh, one other cool photo from Thanon Rachadamnoen. Don't you think all police stations should have a statue like this in front?

For lunch, we went to a vegetarian Thai restaurant (over Gina's vigorous objections: "if it doesn't have meat, I won't eat it!"). As we were randomly looking for a restaurant for lunch, we "accidentally" walked by the vegetarian place that Gina had refused to go to yesterday. She was won over though: the food was not too bad and, more importantly, it was CHEAP (75 cents for lunch for two). Now Gina wants to go back for dinner...
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