We went up to UCLA yesterday. Helen was going for some women's conference and we ended up all tagging along. At the coffee break before going to the library, an annoying squirrel was begging for food. Eventually he gave up on us and dove into the garbage can. There was some loud rustling. Then out he came with a piece of pizza. Here he is back in his tree chowing down:

The library was useful: there were archaeological journals for me and travel & other journals for Gina. After lunch (Mexican + Chinese fastfood at the student center), we walked down to Westwood Village to show Gina around. Gina finds that Westwood is more interesting than Irvine (what a surprise!). My dad and Gina had ice cream at the Hungarian-Danish joint and I had a coffee at Pete's.
Gina works late these days, often doing the 8-2 shift at the bubble tea place. Eventually she crashed on a bench near the law school (while we waited for Helen to finish up...):

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