Thursday, September 29, 2005

Running (part 2)

Two pairs of shoes

Whose shoes are prettier? Whose shoes are bigger?

We went running today in the Parc Montsouris. I found out that this park was originally called Mocquesouris because of numerous abandoned windmills that were tempting the poor, starving rodents. Since we were running together, I was prevented from running too fast, though at each corner of the park, there was a way of running a little farther, so while Gina cut the corner, I had the opportunity to speed up for a stretch. Lots of runners in that park in the morning!

Monday, September 26, 2005


We've decided we really need to get back to our running. Haven't really done any exercise since arriving in Paris (or, for that matter, since leaving Shanghai). First we staked out the running course at the Parc Montsouris. It's a nice park with green grass:

Parc Montsouris

The park is about 1 kilometer from the apartment and it's about 1 kilometer once around the park. I'll have to try to figure it out more precisely one of these days.

Next problem is running shoes. Gina forgot her shoes in Shanghai. So we need to get new ones. Will have to wait until tomorrow...

Monday, September 05, 2005

Trip back

The trip back from Shanghai was pretty uneventful. Maomao came with me. He didn't enjoy the trip very much. Here he is at KFC before taking off (with his pink girlfriend):

Maomao at KFC

Oh, and at the same KFC, check out the size of this French fry!

Big fry at KFC (Pudong airport)