Gina's last day of school
Thursday ten days ago was Gina's last day of school. Here is her account of the day:
June 15 (Thursday) was the last day of spring quarter for ESL students at UCI. It was an easy day because all exams were finished except the "mock trial" that afternoon. In the morning idioms class, the teacher brought the game Scrabble and cookies. The reading and writing teacher was busy calculating our grades. As for the students, we talked about our upcoming plans. Some are going back to their countries; others are going to different places to continue their studies. It was a happy and sad moment for all of us: happy because this quarter was over; sad because many friends were going away. Then, we took pictures with our teacher in front of our classroom as a souvenir:

After the mock trial was successfully finished, we rested for a couple hours in preparation for the graduation ceremony. Last quarter (winter quarter) I did not go to the ceremony because I was working at Cha (the tea place). So I was determined to make it this time. It was fun, even though poignant. Usually it takes place in the Bren Events Center. However, this time it took place at the University Club because the Bren Events Center was fully reserved by UCI spring graduation ceremonies. I found it was a charming place. There were many people: students, teachers, and their kids. The ceremony itself was a litle bit boring. They gave awards to the students who had gotten straight A's and who had perfect attendance. Afterwards, I took many pictures with all my clsasmates from different classes. People were smiling all the time and took advantage of opportunities to take photos with everyone whom he or she knew because they might not see each other again. Here are some pictures that I took:

When the time came to the food, things got a little out of hands. At the beginning, they did not allow us to eat until after the ceremony had concluded. After I lingered taking pictures and talking with classmates, there was no more food left. That was what they called light refreshments. Anyway, I felt happy and lucky that I participatd in the ESL program, and I've made many friends who come from different countries. I took them for granted until the day when I realized that maybe I won't see them again.
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