Fashion update
Today, for the first time, I wore my "lao wai lai le...lao wai zou le" t-shirt, which I purchased in Dali in December. On the front, it states that "the foreigner has arrived" and on the back "the foreigner has gone." The word used for foreigner is considered slightly derogatory by some (and rapidly changes to "foreign guest" or other overly polite term when the person has realized that you understand them when they're talking about you in Chinese). Anyways, it was a sensation! Absolutely everybody was reading the t-shirt and laughing (mainly because they didn't even know foreigners knew about that word they use when referring to us). I have never worn ANYTHING that has attracted so much attention. In fact, I have never SEEN anybody wear anything that has attracted so much attention. Caught me kind of by surprise. Anyways, here is the t-shirt. Did you ever think a clothing item so plain could make such an impression?

On another fashion note, we went for a walk after dinner, to a mall known as "Time Square". It's very close to our place, but I had never been. In the basement was a foreigner's dream supermarket, with such delicacies as Campbell's soup and Prego tomato sauce. I bought some frozen bagels. We then went up to the top floor, where there is a movie theater. But there were no good movies showing (just a bunch of ancient Hong Kong flicks). On our way back out, we passed by a Calvin Klein Jeans store that was loudly advertising "Sale! 40%-90% Off!". If it's really 90% off, I'm buying it, I told myself. So I walked in and asked where the 90% off items were. They pointed to a rack and said everything there was 40%-90% off. I replied that I didn't want something 40% off, 50% off, or even 80% off. I wanted something 90% off. The guy found the ONE item that was 90% off. A red wind-breaker. Just what I needed on this steamy summer night! It was $115 before the discount. I paid $11.50. That's cheap for a wind-breaker, right? Except I think it's a little too big and it might be for women...

By the way, these photos were taken in the bathroom, because I don't like the flash on my camera. The bathroom has very bright heat lamps on the ceiling...perfect for taking pictures at night. Here's a nice picture of Little Sister in the bathroom:

Hopefully the above description of this picture won't attract too many child porn pervs.
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